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SHABNAM RASHTCHI started painting at the age of 5, voraciously learning watercolor, ink, and has been painting in oils since she was 8 years old, taking lessons from an accomplished art instructor. Painting outdoors and getting inspired by the colorful nature and live objects, along with experimenting in different styles and mediums has always been a big part of her artistic journey through her teens. Receiving highschool diploma through Gifted Education Programme, SHABNAM next attended University of Birmingham and pursued a different type of creative development by attaining a degree in Mechanical Engineering. 

Painting has always been part of her soul, and over the years, she has continued to keep passion and self-development going on the side. It was not until 2015 after completion of her PhD in computational mechanics that she renewed her interest and mojo in painting to make it a permanent part of her life. Impressionism is what SHABNAM is drawn to, she found a real passion for depicting natural scenes and trying to drown herself into the beauty and energy of nature by the brushwork and sweeping colours. Shabnam’s artworks express the direct sensation of lived experience through lush colours, light and shadows in a variety of subjects from still life and nature to depictions of human figures.

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